Burgundians, Malay and Vikings eco will start to kick in. Malians, Celts and Huns are super smooth here because they can afford buildings (and then farms) more easily.

Lithuanians can control late Feudal with the faster Skirms quite well, but lack any economical bonus in the long run. Then there are some Scout-Civs that start to have a good eco now: Slavs, Indians, Poles, Teutons. They all have some minor bonuses to help them in the Archer-war, but not enough for A-Tier. First of all, here are most of the rather generic Archer-Civs: Italians, Koreans, Japanese, Byzantines, Bohemians (and Incas up to that point changed them from A-Tier). B-Tier: Now it's getting complicated, the situations of all the Civs start to get a bit wild with many advantages and disadvantes mixed.Magyars have the cheaper Scouts which are good for a full Feudal play, but I think that doesn't happen often enough to make up for their lack of eco and (because of that) difficult Archer transition. At least decent eco and Scouts that are better than vanilla. Franks don't get bloodlines and don't want to waste ressources for ranged units. Berbers still no bonus except for their Vils advantage for them is that they want to go into Cavalry and ranged units long-term, so it is okay if they spend some ressources into upgrades still wondering if they should be moved to D-Tier. Persians spend some extra food on their villagers which won't pay off yet and have also no bonus, but: holding here or forcing the opponent into a prolonged Feudal gives them extra villagers, therefore they have a passive advantage at least + they can up a bit quicker. C-Tier: Mongols struggle in their eco after they burn through the food early on and don't get any bonus anymore then still they can start everything a bit earlier than normal civs.Spanish have pretty much nothing here except that they can rush a tower for defense quicker + their Archers don't scale.

You can add cheap Spearmen which makes them less vulnerable to mass Scouts, but other than that they lack anything to compete with the various bonuses of other Civs. D-Tier: Arguably the period were infantry is by far the weakest, due to the dominance of ranged units, this is also the biggest struggle period for the Goth.Late Feudal: Power of Archers, Power of mixed compositions and mass Scouts, Eco throughout Feudal and age-up times How strong are the Civs through the ages? Part 1: Approach Part 2: Dark Age & Early Feudal