Teams: Rapid Deployment forces, USMC versus Second Army, PLA. Location: Dalian, Manchuria, China, Asia. The United States Navy SEALs, Russian Spetznaz, MEC Special Forces and British Special Air Service, as well as rebels and insurgents, are included in the Battlefield 2: Special Forces expansion pack. Every original map includes the United States versus either the PLA or MEC. Four military mights are involved in these battles: the United States (United States Marine Corps), China (PLA), the Middle Eastern Coalition (MEC), a fictional military proposed as a unification of Middle Eastern forces in opposition to the West and specifically the United States, and the European Union (EU), added in the Battlefield 2: Euro Force booster pack.
Road To Jalalabad requires Patch 1.4 or higher), eight are exclusive to the Battlefield 2: Special Forces expansion pack, and another six are exclusive to the Battlefield 2: Euro Force and Battlefield 2: Armored Fury booster packs, with each pack containing three maps. Fourteen of these maps are available to any player who has installed Battlefield 2 (Wake Island 2007 requires Patch 1.03 or higher. The battles in the computer game Battlefield 2 take place on a total of 28 maps located in the Middle Eastern and Far East regions of the world, as well as the United States.