The formula used estimating the weekly profit is: value of outputs minus value of inputs minus cost per week. As these are commodities, their actual prices will radically differ from one town to another, and all the standard issues of trade, and hence, the low and high value of goods according to supply, apply. The "average profit" in the table is calculated from the base value of the goods in question. *The percentage to pay off the cost every week. You may only set up one of nine shops per town: Once the initial lump sum of money is spent, seven days must pass before the facility is completely built. However, the enterprise's warehouse will not be altered in any way, and operation will be resumed immediately once the former enemy faction's hostilities with the player are over. If the faction that controls the town becomes hostile to the player, the player will not receive profits from the facilities for as long as they are hostile, and in the weekly budget report, it will say that the shop is "under sequestration". They can only be set up in towns where the player has a neutral or positive reputation for the town, the lord, and the faction that controls the town. Productive enterprises are only built in towns by speaking to the Guild Master about productive enterprises, but only one can be built per town. An enterprise can be set to run automatically, allowing the player to set up several sources of additional income that require little to no maintenance, allowing the player to focus their time on issues other than generating revenues once the player can build up the initial down payment to have a large set of enterprises built.

In return, the facility can convert raw material goods into finished product goods that usually have a higher sell price, allowing the player to profit from the difference. Available Productive Enterprises as offered by the Guild Master.Ī Productive Enterprise is a feature exclusive to Mount&Blade: Warband that allows a player to build a small industrial facility for a large initial lump-sum plus a weekly maintenance fee.